General Information for Residents
Utility Billing
Billed Quarterly
Two or Few: $251.25
Three or More: $259.50
2% penalty after 30 days.
Cash, Check, Etransfer or Cornerstone Credit Union payments accepted.
Property Taxes
Levied June 30 of each year and mailed out July of each year
Base Tax:
Land: $400.00
Land & Improvements: $700.00
Municipal Mill Rate: 15.0 MILLS
Taxes are due by December 31st of each year.
The penalty is calculated by the system at 1.5% monthly on all amounts owing as of January 1 of each year.
Cash, Check, Etransfer or Cornerstone Credit Union payments accepted.
Tax Enforcement Process
Tax Enforcement for Citizens Guide
Property Assessments - SAMA
For information on property tax assessments, processes or reports click on this link: